moved to new blog. these poems are old and weird. l8r days

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(recycled words..)

you could've said i just wanted to prove you wrong,
or you could've said i wanted to feel the sun on my shoulders through your windshield,
or you could've said i needed you with me, i needed you, i needed.

instead you said, "i'm going to pull over here."

and the time passed as it should have, it trickled down my spine. Funny thing is, i'm starting to feel it.
You took me in the soccer field, the alley way, park bench, radio tower, ikea restaurant, county office building and asked me "is this okay?"

and i could've told you, "yes,"
or i could've told you, "sometimes liking someone is not enough."
or i could have told you, "you've got something in your teeth"
or i could've told you, "of course- because nothing could possibly change the way i feel about this now"

but instead, i just smiled.

(..reuse, reduce)

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